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Step 2: Business Plan Template: Preliminary Business Thoughts on Paper

A: Streamlined Business Plan Template

B: Template Tips & Additional Resource Info

Step 3: Financial History & Projections Info Collection

A: Financial Projection Info Sheet (Preliminary)
B: Historical Financials of the Borrower & Business to have ready for Step 4 & 5 (3 years)

  • Personal Tax Returns of Borrower(s)

    • Include any/all K-1's and Schedules C, E, F​

      • If any K-1's show negative net income, be prepared to show any "Affiliate Business" Financials

  • Business Tax Returns (including for Seller if you are Buying a Business)

  • Profit & Loss Statement (P&L for past 3 years plus monthly year to date)

  • Balance Sheet for the past 3 years plus most recent info on:

    • Inventory  & Equipment Listing as applicable (list with current "used value"​ for large value items)

    • Current Accounts Receivable/Payable Reports

    • Business Debt Payment Schedule (Existing Debt Amortization Schedules, etc.)

C: Personal Financial Statement

  • Although your lender will usually have their own version of this document that you will need to fill out, the info asked will be nearly identical to this SBA Personal Financial Statement (Form413). To speed up the Lender process, start pulling this info together now for when you meet with the Lender.

Step 4: Review & Finalize Business Plan & Financial Projection info

A:  Local SBDC Expert Staff Review & Assistance

  • At this stage, the Local SBDC staff is brought in for an Expert Review of your Business Plan & to assist in finalizing Financial Projections with you. 

  • This is a critical step, as the Local SBDC staff will have additional contacts within the local Lending Community and be aware of all local trends, opportunities, and challenges.

B:  Optional:  Capital Access Center Underwriting Simulations & "Ask a Banker" questions

  • This is for when Steps 1, 2, 3 have been completed and you are either in or have completed step 4A (regardless of whether or not you worked with the Kansas SBDC to get to this point)

  • At least one of the following applies:

    • The loan is in excess of $1m and/or utilizing SBA 504 Loan Program

    • Complex Deal Structures where help is needed to find Financing Partners and to better understand the "participation" of multiple financial partners and/or the SBA Guarantee Program & Fees

    • You have an "Ask a Banker" type question that you would feel more comfortable asking a "confidential advisor" instead of the actual Lender that you might be utilizing.  No question is a bad question here, we won't judge you on the type of question - we are here to help answer all your financing questions - no matter how trivial or silly you think they may be.

  • Ready to get started with the CAC assistance?  Great, fill out the CAC Client Prescreen Questionnaire and email it to Vince Haworth, CAC Director, at  When the Questionnaire is received, Vince will contact you to discuss.  If you have not signed up as a Kansas SBDC Client to receive this assistance at no cost, please do so here - it's quick and easy and keeps all of our conversations confidential.

Step 5: Borrower Begins Meeting/Providing Info to Lenders

Step 3
Step 4

Funded in part through a Cooperative Agreement with the U.S. Small Business Administration.

Centro de desarrollo de pequeñas empresas de Kansas

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Funded in part through a Cooperative Agreement with the U.S. Small Business Administration. Reasonable accommodations for persons with disabilities will be made if requested at least two weeks in advance.

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